The film follows Adi, an anthropologist who moves to the Ferentari neighborhood to work on his PhD thesis on manele music and who starts a relationship with Alberto, a Roma ex-convict with an addiction for gambling.
Based on the autobiographical novel by Adrian Șchiop Soldiers. A Story from Ferentari / Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari, the film was written by Ivana Mladenovic together with Adrian Șchiop and stars non-professional actors Adrian Șchiop and Vasile Pavel Digudai.
The film is produced by Ada Solomon through Romania’s HiFilm Productions in coproduction with Jelena Mitrovic through Serbia’s Film House Bas Celik and Cassandre Warnauts and Jean Yves Roubin through FRAKAS Productions.
Micro Film will release the film in Romania at the beginning of 2018.
The Serbian director Ivana Mladenovic studied film directing at the National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale" in Bucharest. She made her debut as an actress in Radu Jude’s new drama Scarred Hearts / Inimi cicatrizate (HiFilm Productions).