
Serbian MCF Megacom Film Launches PVOD Platform


    BELGRADE: MCF Megacom Film has launched a PVOD (Premium Video on Demand) platform for viewing art film titles worldwide.

    The platform MOJOFF.NET, derived from the online film festival under the same-title, was launched on 11 April 2020, right after the end of the first Online Film Festival MOJ OFF. The initial platform base contains all of the 65 films shown at the first free Online edition of MOJ OFF. Every week up to five films will be added, most of them available only on the platform, which plans to remain open during the whole year. The films are priced at just under 1 EUR for a 24 hour period, with one free viewing offered twice per week.

    The PVOD platform has been founded by the MCF MegaCom Film distribution company in collaboration with the Kombank Dvorana, multiplex film theatre CineGrand, both in Belgrade, and the Vilin Grad film theatre in the town of Niš.