The story takes place during a school trip, where the students of eighth grade, collectively responsible for peer violence against their schoolmate who committed suicide, must face the consequences of their actions.
Serbia’s This and That Productions is producing in coproduction with Croatia’s Kinorama, Bulgaria’s Invictus and Italy’s Nightswim.
Up to this point the film has been supported by Film Center Serbia, the Bulgarian National Film Center, the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC).
The shooting is due to start in 2024.
Terzić’s sophomore feature Stitches / Šavovi, produced by Serbia's West End Production in coproduction with Slovenia’s Nora Production, Croatia’s Spiritus Movens and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s, won the Label Europa Cinema Award and the 2nd Panorama Audience Award at the 2019 Berlinale’s Panorama.
Production Information:
This and That Productions (Serbia)
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Kinorama (Croatia)
Invictus (Bulgaria)
Nightswim (Italy)
Director: Miroslav Terzić
Scriptwriter: Vladimir Arsenijević
DoP: Damjan Radovanović
Cast: TBA