FNE at KVIFF 2016: Jean Reno Shooting Adventurers in Karlovy Vary

KARLOVY VARY: Jean Reno, currently a guest of Karlovy Vary IFF, will stay in the Czech Republic after visiting the festival to play a role of a French policeman in…

FNE at KVIFF 2016: Cottbus and CoCo Announce Plans and Changes

KARLOVY VARY: Connecting Cottbus, the East-West coproduction platform, is “bringing in a fresh, new team ,” programme director Rebekka Garrido told FNE, and moving the pitching forum to the historic…

FNE at KVIFF 2016: Training Programmes Add New Projects

KARLOVY VARY: The heavy hitters from four leading training programmes available to CEE filmmakers and professionals unveiled an array of new opportunities in a presentation held on 4 July 2016…

OBITUARY: Ani Bakalova

SOFIA: Beloved Bulgarian film and theatre actress Ani Bakalova passed away on 3 July 2016 at the age of 76.

Cinema Mediterranean Caravan Revives Dalmatian Cinema

SPLIT: The biggest challenge of Cinema Mediterranean, the project of cinema revival in Dalmatia aiming to renew movie theaters and bring movie screenings to smaller towns, is to keep the…

PRODUCTION: Stephan Komandarev’s Compatibility Gets Coproduction Support

SOFIA: The Macedonian Film Agency decided to support Compatibility, the new low budget film by writer/director Stephan Komandarev, with 55,400 EUR (3 400 000 MKD). This is the second minority…

Antipode Picks Up Eastern Business

BUCHAREST: Igor Cobileanski’s Eastern Business/Afacerea est, the first Romanian/Lithuanian/ Moldavian coproduction, has been acquired by the Russian sales agent Antipode Sales & Distribution.

Connecting Cottbus 2016 Accepting Applications

COTTBUS: The East-West coproduction market connecting cottbus is accepting applications through 30 July 2016.

FNE at KVIFF 2016: Lux Film Prize Unveils Official Selection

KARLOVY VARY: The 10 films of the 2016 Lux Film Prize Official Selection for 2016 have been announced at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.
04-07-2016 m

FNE at KVIFF 2016: Frank Daniel Institute Unveiled

KARLOVY VARY: Frantisek Daniel, aka Frank Daniel, arguably the most influential and one of the least known Czech filmmakers of all time, will finally get the recognition his many acolytes…

FNE at MIFF 2016: Moscow Film Festival Prize Winners

MOSCOW: The 38th edition of the Moscow International Film Festival held from 23-30 June awarded its top prize, the Golden St George, to the Iranian film Daughter directed by Reza…
01-07-2016 m

GRANTS: Georgia Announces Feature Film Production Grants for 2016-2017

TBILISI: The Georgian National Film Center has allotted 307,700 EUR/ 800,000 GEL to two feature films directed by Zaza Khalvashi and Tinatin Kajrishvili.

FNE UNIC EU Policy Update: Brexit Impact

WARSAW: FNE has teamed up with the Brussels based team of the International Union of Cinemas (UNIC) to bring you regular updates on EU cinema policies that impact all industry…

Four Estonian Animated Films Premiere in Autumn

TALLINN: The Swedish/Estonian coproduction Amalimbo is one of four animated Estonian films planning to premiere in autumn 2016.

FNE/IDF DocBloc: East Silver Call for Applications

The East Silver market is accepting rough cut projects through 31 July 2016.

FNE at KVIFF 2016: FNE FIPRESCI Critics Ratings

KARLOVY VARY: FNE has teamed up with FIPRESCI to organise a group of 20 critics attending KVIFF to rate the films in the Main Competition and the East of the…

PRODUCTION: Veiko Ounpuu’s The Last Ones Gets Estonian Grant

TALLINN: The Estonian Film Institute announced that it will give 490,000 EUR to support The Last Ones / Viimane directed by Veiko Õunpuu. The grant will be distributed over a…

PRODUCTION: Anca Damian Preps Feature Film Moon Hotel Kabul

BUCHAREST: Anca Damian (Crulic – The Path to Beyond, Aparte Film) is in preparation with the feature film Moon Hotel Kabul, a Romanian/French coproduction set to be shot in Romania…

Estonia Lines up Fall Domestic Premieres

TALLINN: Three Estonian films will have their domestic premieres in fall 2016. They include one Estonian/Polish/Dutch coproduction.

Ten CEE Films Receive Eurimages Funding

STRASBOURG: Eurimages announced funding to 29 European coproductions, including ten films which are CEE coproductions, in the June 2016 grant awards. The selection includes films by acclaimed directors Anca Damian…
29-06-2016 m