FNE-IDF DocBlock: Prix Europa 2011 Nominations

The European broadcasting festival Prix Europa 2011 announces this year’s nominees. The category of feature-length television documentary presents also two successful Czech documentaries Katka, made by Helena Třeštíková, and Coal…

Cinema City Shows Mixed Results in 2011

Regional exhibitor Cinema City (www.cinemacity.nl) reported an 12.6% increase in ticket sales, reflecting its agressive acquisition strategy, but a decrease in per screen attendance of 11.9%

Czech Cinema Attendance Down in 2011

PRAGUE: Czech films and cinemas are off to a slow start in the first half of 2011, with numbers approaching 2010 results looking unlikely for the year as a whole.

FESTIVALS: Wroclaw Host 2nd American Film Festival

WROCLAW: The 2nd American Film Festival is scheduled for 15-20 November 2011 in Wroclaw, Poland.

Obituary: Janusz Morgenstern

WARSAW: Polish film director, writer and producer Janusz Morgenstern, whose career spanned six decades, has died at age 89.

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Competition: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

VENICE: Swedish director Tomas Alfredson brings John Le Carre's 1974 Cold War spy novel Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy to the screen in this big budget European adaptation of the novel.…
06-09-2011 m

Turkish Grants Announced

ISTANBUL: Slightly over $1 million (1.272 million TL) has been distributed to the following films in the summer round of grants from the Turkish Ministry of Culture:

FESTIVALS: Jameson Cinefest Announces Film Line-up

MISKOLC: The 8the Jameson Cinefest Hungary (17-25 September 2011, www.cinefest.hu) has selected 14 films to screen in competition and six films screening out of competition.

PRODUCTION: Closer to the Moon Starts Shooting in Bucharest

BUCHAREST: Nae Caranfil (Restul e tăcere/The Rest Is Silence) writes and directs Closer to the Moon, his first English language feature starring Vera Farmiga and Mark Strong. Filming began on…

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Competition: Shame

VENICE: British director Steve McQueen follows his critically acclaimed debut, Hunger, about a man who used his body as a political tool to fight for freedom, with Shame, which examines…
05-09-2011 m

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Screening Alert: Monday, September 5

All parties and events strictly require an invitation from the organisers

TV News Channel Starts Broadcasting in Bulgaria

SOFIA: Bulgaria On Air, registered as part of the Bulgaria On Air Media Group (www.bgonair.bg), will begin broadcasting its 24 hour program on 9 September 2011. According to the Media…

PRODUCTION: Polish Thriller Debut Vulture in Production

WARSAW: Director Eugeniusz Korin is filming Vulture, a new Polish addition to the classic thriller genre. The shoot, which started on the 12 June 2011, is concluding in early of…

FNE at Medias Central European Film Festival: Interview with Radu Gabrea

FNE spoke with Radu Gabrea, the head of the new Central European film festival (www.meceff.ro) located in Medias, Romania, taking place 5-11 September 2011.

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Competition: A Dangerous Method

VENICE: David Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method is a much more conventional film than his recent work with a mostly straight historical recounting of the intersection of the lives of psychiatrists…
03-09-2011 m

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Competition: Carnage

VENICE: Roman Polanski’s Carnage is an adaptation of Yasmina Reza’s French stage play, God of Carnage, which was one of the most successful international stage hits of the past decade.…
02-09-2011 m

FNE - IDF DocBloc: The Global Town

We follow a successful businessman as he buys land, negotiates with politicians, commissions extensive market surveys and meets with his associates at a major real estate exhibition. He collects art,…

Films Boutique Picks up Two Romanian Films

BUCHAREST: Radu Jude's Everybody in Our Family/Toată lumea din familia noastră and Adrian Sitaru's Best Intentions/Din dragoste, cu cele mai bune intenţii will be sold internationally by the Berlin-based Films…

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Screening Alerts - Friday, 2 September

All parties and events strictly require an invitation from the organisers

FNE at Venice IFF 2011: Polish coproduction Land of Oblivion premiers in Venice

VENICE: Land of Oblivion, a Polish coproduction directed by Israeli director Michale Boganim and starring Olga Kurylenko and Andrzej Chyra, will have its world premiere on 3 September 2011 in…
01-09-2011 m