This supernatural drama follows a village girl as she travels to the Lao capital, Vientiane, to care for her rich cousin, who has lost her sight and gained the ability to communicate with the dead. The cousin is married to an Estonian man.
The film stars Lao superstar Tot Vilouna and actress Amphaiphan Phommapanyha paired up with acclaimed Estonian actor Tambet Tuisk.
Dearest Sister is a coproduction between Lao Art Media, France’s Screen Division and Estonia’s Oree Films and had its world premiere at Austin’s Fantastic Fest in September 2016, the largest genre film festival in the U.S.,specialising in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, action and fantastic movies. The project participated in Cannes’ La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde programme in 2013.
The film was shot in Laos in spring 2015.