Film Commissioner Peter Busuttil said the funds will be invested towards accredited courses in the filming production sector for those interested in starting a career in the industry or in improving their expertise in the field.
The training programme will include an introduction to film production processes, terminology, safety and environmental consciousness. It will cover all facets of production, from location scouting and administration to wardrobe, sets, sound and lighting crew.
The commission aims to increase the number of persons adequately skilled in the filming industry with the potential to increase innovation opportunities in this sector.
The commission has issued a tender for institutions qualified to train film individuals to work in the film service industry.
Contact Information:
Peter Busuttil / Susan Ronald
Malta Film Commission
Caraffa Stores
Cottonera Waterfront
Vittoriosa BRG 1721
Tel: +356 2180 9135
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.