The series, produced by Minya Film and Animation, will consist of 26 episodes of seven minutes each, with a budget of 880,000 EUR. The project is described as a family friendly adventure series with fantasy and comedic elements aimed at 4-6 year olds.
The title character is a boy of five or six, a video game character who is accidentally released into the real world where he befriends the Wonders family consisting of a bottle, a box and a ball. The characters represent three shapes (triangle, square and circle) as well as three human characteristics (cognition, emotion and action). Bobo transforms his three friends into a variety of things as he learns how to think, feel and wish like a real child.
The project is applying for funding from the Croatian Audiovisual Centre and Film Center Serbia. The production team is looking for coproducers, distributors, sales agents and TV stations.
The Warsaw Kids Film Forum was sponsored by FNE and CEI (Central European Initiative). For the full list of all sponsors go to Warsaw Kids Film Forum.
Production Information:
Minya Film and Animation
Producer: Miljana Dragicevic
Writer: Dunja Petrovic