FNE at Venice IFF 2010: Somewhere
VENICE: Sofia Coppola's family drama is one of those films where seemingly nothing much happens but at the same time it captures a piece of life that we all recognize.…
FNE at Venice IFF 2010: Human Rights Prize for Bulgarian-Italian coproduction Goodbye Mama
VENICE: The Bulgarian Italian coproduction Goodbye Mama (www.kinoweb.it) directed by Michelle Bonev will be awarded the Action For Women prize by the Italian Ministry of Culture today at a special…
FNE at Venice IFF 2010: Black Swan
BERLIN: Director Darren Aronofsky's has followed up his successful film The Wrestler with Black Swan a psychological thriller in the world of ballet. Speaking at the Biennale press conference the…
EastEuropean Forum marks 10th anniversary
East European Film Forum, the leading CEE market for documentary films, is accepting submissions through September 3 for its tenth edition, taking place in Jihlava, Czech Republic, October 21-28.
Polish and Turkish actors cast in Iranian film
An Iranian debut film, Forbidden Love, which is set to film in Turkey will star Polish actress Helena Poplavsky and at least six Turkish actors.
NonStop expands in Baltics
NonStop TV (www.nonstop.tv), which offers niche TV in the Baltics, as well as northern Europe and Africa, has completed an agreement with Twentieth Century Fox Television in the Baltics.
CEE Producers selected for EFP Toronto Lab
Four producers from Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Croatia have been chosen to participate in European Film Promotion's (www.efp-online.com) Toronto Producers Lab, being held September 10-12 during the Toronto Film…
Sarajevo launches Regional Cooperation Forum
The 16th Sarajevo Film Festival launched its Regional Forum on the future of the film industry organized with the support of the UNESCO Venice office (www.unesco.org/en/venice), the Regional Cooperation Council…
East Euorpean Doc Forum announces deadlines
The 10th East European Forum (www.DOKweb.net) for documentary filmmakers is accepting applications through September 3, 2010.
Documentary Campus open for registration
Documentary Campus (www.documentary-campus.com), which will be held in Munich September 10-12, is accepting reduced registration fees from East European participants.
CineLink awards seven CEE films
Sarajevo CineLink co-production market (www.sff.ba) gave its Excellence Award to Serbian Circles by writers Srđan Koliević and Melina Pota Koliević and director Srdan Golubović.
SPI expands into Spain
SPI International signed an agreement on July 27 with the leading Spanish independent film distributor Vertice 360 to cooperate on introducing FilmBox channels on the Spanish TV market.
FESTIVALS: Era New Horizons opens with Cannes winner
Cannes grand prix winner, Of Gods and Men (Des hommes et des dieux) by Xavier Beauvois, will make its Polish premiere as the opening film of the Era New Horizons…
East Silver accepts applications
The 7th Annual East Silver Market, specialising in Eastern and Central European documentaries, has announced it is accepting submissions for 2010.
FNE at KVIFF 2010: Karlovy Vary IFF Winners
KARLOVY VARY: Spanish film The Mosquito Net directed by Agusti Vila won the Grand Prix at the 45th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (www.kviff.com) but the majority of the prizes…
CEE channels buy High Point packages
High Point Media Group (www.highpointfilms.co.uk) has confirmed sales to Central and Eastern Europe, with 60 hours of drama and packages of 20 movies.
FNE at KVIFF 2010: Sarajevo's New Film Center Promotes Coproductions
KARLOVY VARY: Adis Bakrac director of East of the West competitor The Abandoned is also head of the newly established Sarajevo Film Center. The Abandoned produced by Heft Production (www.heft.ba)…
FNE at KVIFF 2010 East of the West: Gastarbeiter
Gastarbeiter, the new film from director Yusup Razykov who set a distinctive style for new Uzbek cinema, is a contemporary roadmovie connecting Uzbekistan and Russia through a variety of characters,…