Along with the main international competition, the festival also offers the following competitions: Central and Eastern Europe, Romania, Student and EcocinematogrAFF. The festival also has a Made in Romania section.
The nine films selected for the international competition includes:
Three Sisters, Wang Bing (France/Hong Kong)
Char… the No-Man’s Isand, Sourav Sarangi (India)
Dancing Alone, Biene Pilavci (Germany)
Forget Me Not, David Sieveking (Germany)
In-Between Days, Sankhajit Biswas (India)
La maison de la radio, Nicolas Philibert (France)
Leviathan, Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel (USA)
Matthew’s Laws, Marc Schmidt (Netherlands)
My German Children, Tom Pauer (Israel)