
Two Lottery Tickets Starts Crowdfunding Campaign

    Director Paul Negoescu Director Paul Negoescu

    BUCHAREST: Paul Negoescu launched a crowdfunding compaign on Indiegogo for his independent feature Two Lottery Tickets/Doua lozuri. His aim is to collect 7,650 USD in 19 days.

    Two Lottery Tickets is produced by Actoriedefilm.ro with a budget of minimum 50,000 EUR of which 75% is already in place. The total budget is bigger, but some parts of the production such as directing, scriptwriting and acting are coming free of charge, Negoescu told FNE.

    The story is loosely based on I.L. Caragiale’s short story and follows three guys who win a lottery but lose the tickets. Negoescu is producing together with Dragoş Bucur, Alexandru Papadopol and Dorian Bogută who also star in the film.