
EXCLUSIVE: Explore New Programme of Warsaw Kids Film Forum Featured

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    WARSAW: After the successful previous editions, the 3rd edition of Warsaw Kids Film Forum has significantly extended its offer by expanding the programme and the list of attending guests. The Warsaw Kids Film Forum will be held at the Muranow cinema in Warsaw from 25 to 27 September 2019.

    FNE together with CEI the Central European Initiative has come on board this year as one of the main event partners. Together with a compelling pitching offer, there will be added value in the form of workshops, script and legal consultations, coproduction breakfast, a trip around Warsaw and a script masterclass. This year’s schedule will be quite ambitious. 

    The Warsaw Kids Film Forum is the first and only international forum in Poland devoted entirely to the topic of coproductions of films and TV series for young audience.

    More information on the WKFF programme can be found at: https://warsawkidsff.pl/program-2/

    Click HERE for the press release.

    Read 1782 times Last modified on 13-09-2019