FNE IDF DocBloc: Pavel Koutecky Award Winner Announced
Petr Horky won the 2018 Pavel Kotecky Award.
GRANTS: Nine Features Get Czech Film Fund Support
PRAGUE: The Czech Film Fund supported the production of nine feature films, totalling 65 m CZK / 2.509,168 EUR.
FNE AT ZLIN IFF: Czech State Cinematography Fund Aims to Increase Youth Film Audiences
ZLIN: Building teen attendance in cinemas is one of the goals of the New Cinema 2018-2019 project, designed to educate cinema operators on improving youth film audience numbers, presented at…
FNE at Zlin IFF: International Coproduction Winter Flies Wraps Post-production
ZLIN: Winter Flies, a new film from Olmo Omerzu, coproduced by the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, France and Poland, is being readied for a summer 2018 release.
FNE at Zlin IFF: Michal Hogenauer in Postproduction with Certain Kind of Silence
ZLIN: Certain Kind of Silence, a coproduction between the Czech Republic, Latvia and The Netherlands, is being readied for a summer 2018 release.
FNE at Zlin IFF: Slovak Music Film BACKSTAGE Set to Premiere in Czech Republic
ZLIN: BACKSTAGE, a music film coproducion between Slovakia and the Czech Republic, directed by Andrea Sedláčková, will open in Czech cinemas on 7 June 2018 distributed by Bontonfilm. The film…
FESTIVALS: Karlovy Vary Announces Competition Films
PRAGUE: The Karlovy Vary IFF announced the 12 films that will screen in the main competition. Ten of the films will be world premieres. The festival will take place 29…
FNE at Zlin IFF: Juraj Nvota Directs Czech/Slovak Kids Detective Series
ZLIN: The celebratory zero clapperboard at 58th Zlin IFF launched the production of Crime Story 5.C, an upcoming Czech/Slovak coproduction for children directed by Juraj Nvota.
FNE IDF DocBloc: Ex Oriente Film Announces 2018/2019 projects
Twelve documentary film projects have been selected for the 16th Ex Oriente Film Workshop.
FESTIVALS: Oscar Winner Barry Levinson to Receive Karlovy Vary’s Highest Honour
PRAGUE: Barry Levinson, who won an Oscar for his film Rain Man, will be at the 53rd Karlovy Vary IFF (29 June – 7 July 2018) to accept the Crystal…
FNE at Zlin IFF 2018: Competition Films
ZLIN: The world’s oldest and largest children’s film festival, the 58th Zlin Film Festival (25 May – 2 June 2018), will screen eight films in its children’s competition and another…
Jihlava IDFF Relocates Docu Talents to Sarajevo FF
PRAGUE: The showcase and forum of upcoming documentary films Docu Talents from the East, presented by Jihlava IDFF, is moving from Karlovy Vary IFF to the Sarajevo Film Festival.
FESTIVALS: Czechs Launch Festival Honouring Doc Filmmaker Pavel Koutesky
PRAGUE: A new Czech-German film festival of documentary films, Elbe Dock, created in connection with the 12th edition of the Pavel Koutecky Award, is bringing contemporary Czech and German documentaries…
FNE IDF DocBloc: East Silver Caravan at Krakow
Apolena Rychlíková's The Limits of Work will screen at the 58th Krakow Film Festival.
FNE Europa Cinemas: Cinema of the Month: Bio Oko, Prague
This month we speak with David Beránek, the programme director of Bio Oko, an art house cinema which together with Světozor and Aero in Prague, Bio Central in Hradec Králové…
Czech Distributor Filmotor Announces Partnership with Cinemarket
PRAGUE: The new Czech film sales company Filmotor announced a partnership with Berlin-based online market company Cinemarket, using blockchain technology. The arrangement will make Filmotor’s catalogue available for licensing to…
FNE at Cannes 2018: Czech Cinema in Cannes
Prestigious Cannes Film Festival (8 - 19 May 2018) is just around the corner, and several Czech films are included in its program. Polis-Czech-Swedish co-production Fugue by Agnieszka Smoczyńska was…
MIDPOINT Opens Applications for 2019 Programmes
PRAGUE: The international script and development programme MIDPOINT has opened the call for applications to its 2019 Feature Launch and TV Launch workshops.
FNE IDF DocBloc: Interview with Kim Longinotto
Documentary director Kim Longinotto discusses her approach to filmmaking.