Ana, Mon Amour Sold to Eleven Territories

BUCHAREST: Călin Peter Netzer’s Ana, mon amour was sold by Beta Cinema to eleven territories. This Romanian/German/French coproduction was awarded the Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution for editing at…

FESTIVALS: Cyprus Festival Call for Short Film Scripts

NICOSIA: The 12th Cyprus International Film Festival, which will run from 14 to 24 June in Paphos, has opened a call to script writers of short films to submit their…

FNE at Zlin Fest 2017: Competition Films Announced

ZLIN: The 57th International Film Competition of Children's Films in Zlin, running 26 May - 3 June 2017, has again lined up an international selection of films for the children…

EFP Producer on the Move: Pavla Janoušková Kubečková, Czech Republic

PRAGUE: Pavla Janoušková Kubečková (born 1985), who represents the Czech Republic at European Film Promotions’s Producers on the Move, studied Journalism and Media Studies at the Charles University and Film…

FESTIVALS: Ten Films in the International Competition of 5th CinéDOC-Tbilisi

TBILISI: Ten films are competing in the international competition of the 5th edition of CinéDOC-Tbilisi. The first international documentary film festival in the Caucasus started on 11 May and will…

GRANTS: Serbia Announces First Round of Grants for 2017

BELGRADE: Film Center Serbia distributed 1,107,861 EUR / 136,400,000 RSD in its first round of grants for 2017, announced on 10 May 2017. The grants are co-financing grants for production…

Admissions Boom Across CEE

STRASBOURG: Central European territories claimed some of the largest increases in film admissions across the region in 2016, according the Europeam Audiovisual Observatory’s annual report.

PRODUCTION: Teona Strugar Mitevska develops God Exists, Her Name is Petrunija

SKOPJE: Teona Strugar Mitevska is in development with God Exists, Her Name is Petrunija / Gospod postoi, nejzinoto ime e Petrunija, a simple, almost comical story that shows the absurdities…

PRODUCTION: First Georgian/Macedonian Coproduction in Postproduction

TBILISI: Gigisha Abashidze is in postproduction with his debut feature Neighbors, set for release in autumn 2017. The film is the first Georgian/Macedonian coproduction.

PRODUCTION: Cristian Comeagă Preps Historical Docu-drama Series

BUCHAREST: Cristian Comeagă is in preproduction with the historical docu-drama series Romanians - The Story of a Nation / Românii – povestea unui neam, set to start shooting in June…

FNE UNIC EU Policy Update 11.05.2017

WARSAW: FNE has teamed up with the Brussels based team of the International Union of Cinemas (UNIC) to bring you regular updates on EU cinema policies that impact all industry…

EFP Producer on the Move: Maria Blicharska, Poland

WARSAW: Producer on the Move Maria Blicharska, co-founder of the Polish company Donten & Lacroix Films, is a seasoned film professional experienced in international coproduction. She is the Polish coproducer…

FNE/IDF Doc Bloc: Ex Oriente Celebrates 15th Anniversary

The VOD portal DAFilms is screening ten documentary films to mark the 15th anniversary of the Ex Oriente programme.

FNE at Transilvania IFF: Romanian Days Lineup

CLUJ-NAPOCA: Thirteen feature films and long documentaries together with fourteen short films will screen in the Romanian Days, the Romanian showcase of the 16th Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF) from…

PRODUCTION: TV series Shadows over the Balkans shooting in Macedonia

PRESPA: Serbian actor and director Dragan Bjelogrić is in production with the TV series Shadows over the Balkans / Senke nad Balkanom, a three-season political thriller drama set in the…

Wide Management Picks up Pororoca

BUCHAREST: Constantin Popescu's new feature, the family drama Pororoca, has been picked up by Wide Management and will be screened in the 2017 Cannes' Marché du Film. The film is…

Next Film Expands On Polish Market

WARSAW: Agora S.A. has transferred all of its film production and coproduction activities to its subsidiary distribution company NEXT FILM.

EFP Producer on the Move: Gints Grube, Latvia

RIGA: Gints Grube got a BA in philosophy, did doctoral studies in political science and worked extensively in the media before becoming the director of Hansa Media production company and…

EFP Producer on the Move: Iuliana Tarnovețchi, Romania

BUCHAREST: Iuliana Tarnovețchi studied Psychology and in 1995 started working for Castel Film and Pro TV. She was Production Manager and Production Coordinator for MediaPro Pictures in 2000 - 2005,…